Case Study
Case Study

Prescott High School Elevates Student Safety with VOLT AI

Case Study

Prescott High School Elevates Student Safety with VOLT AI

May 30, 2024

Welcome to Prescott High School

Prescott High School, nestled within the vibrant community of Prescott, Arizona, has long been a cornerstone of educational excellence and community pride. With over 1,400 students passing through its halls daily, ensuring their safety is paramount.

A Partnership for Progress

With a mission to enhance physical security through artificial intelligence, VOLT offered the perfect solution for Prescott High's needs. By automating camera coverage and providing real-time monitoring with AI, VOLT empowered school's staff to detect and respond to potential threats swiftly.

Seamless Integration, Immediate Impact

The technology seamlessly integrated into school's existing camera infrastructure, requiring no additional hardware cost or programming. From the moment Volt went live, its real-time detection capabilities began making a difference.

From Reactive to Proactive Security

With Volt, the school shifted from a reactive to a proactive security strategy. By monitoring visual cues, Volt identifies potential threats before they escalate. This proactive approach not only enhances safety but also instills a sense of security among the students.

Saving Lives, Supporting Students

In one remarkable instance, VOLT identified a student experiencing an asthma attack. Thanks to VOLT's immediate alert, Principal Neely was able to respond promptly and provide assistance. It's moments like these that highlight VOLT's potential to save lives and enhance student well-being.

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May 30, 2024

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